Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Project-Based Learning Prompts

Project-Based Learning is a dynamic classroom approach that allows learners to acquire deep knowledge through active exploration of real-world problems and challenges.

The following series of fill-in-the-blank prompts can be used by students to design and create their own projects. The  prompts are most effective when coupled with a technology component –- social media channels, blogs, audio/visual apps and other digital tools -- that can help develop, organize and present information and ideas.

40 Fill-in-the-Blank PBL Prompts
  1. Clarify… for an audience of...
  2. Stylize… without changing…
  3. Illuminate…
  4. Solve…. together with….
  5. Rethink….by…
  6. Learn to….using…
  7. Repackage…for…
  8. Identify what’s implied in…
  9. Design a ….using…
  10. Make a…with…
  11. Find the best evidence that supports…
  12. Find a better/smarter/faster/safer way to…
  13. Simplify….for….
  14. Explain how others misunderstand…
  15. Narrate the sequence of…
  16. Change…’s mind about…
  17. Socialize your opinion on…and refine or clarify it based on feedback.
  18. Explain the significance of….by….
  19. Contextualize the history of….
  20. Explore and curate the history of…
  21. Document…for the purpose of…
  22. Document how…was able to…
  23. Digitize…so that….
  24. Find another way to solve…
  25. Turn the problem of…into a manageable project
  26. Practice…until you can…
  27. Honor the complexity of…by…
  28. Debate the merit of…compared to…
  29. Collaborate with…in order to…
  30. Restore…
  31. Identify and elegantly demonstrate the sources of…
  32. Find the patterns in…
  33. Analyze…through a series of questions.
  34. Identify analogous situations compared to…
  35. Iterate…in light of…
  36. Untangle the causes from the effects of…
  37. Contrast…and…
  38. See…from the perspective of…
  39. Merge the thinking of…and…
  40. Theorize what…would say about…

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